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Our Church

As a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, we accept the Cumberland Presbyterian Confession of Faith as a collection of our stated beliefs. If you are not familiar with the Confession of Faith, please ask an Elder, the Pastor, or simply visit online here 



WE BELIEVE that the Bible is indeed the inspired word of God.


WE BELIEVE that God exists in the unity of the Godhead; God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


WE BELIEVE that although created perfect, humanity through willful disobedience of God, have separated themselves from the source of life; God Himself!


WE BELIEVE that Christ, and only Christ being fully man and fully God, has the ability to repair the relationship for us, and that He grants this gift of reconciliation freely for those who place their total trust in Him. 


WE BELIEVE that the Christian life should be dedicated to loving God, and loving others just as Christ loves the church.

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